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kenneth weihe

I think of Moonie often and the incomparable times
we had in that magical place. And I think of what
Paul Simon wrote in a quote you sent my Dad long years ago:
"once in a while from out of nowhere
when you don't expect it and you're unprepared
somebody will come and lift you higher
and your burdens will be shared. Dad

Lisa D

Thanks, Dad. Perfect quote - that's how I felt!


Lisa, another odd calming effect of my mother, your Moonie - for years when Don and I were at concerts featuring a pianist I promptly nodded off in an embarrassing way, my head rolling off my shoulders. I did not realize until after many such noddings that it was an association from childhood. After tucking us into bed at night mother very often went downstairs and played the piano. In addition I often wander mentally in the woods of my childhood as a comfort place. Jo

Lisa D

I remember walking up to the house when she was visiting at the Sauers and not knowing at first if it was the radio playing or her practicing. It was her. Thanks for the memory of how well she played.

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