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Barbara Eldridge

Lisa, honey, I'm sure some people would like to see you in the sarong!

Jenny Scott

Wow~ I just can't believe all you are going through, Lisa. And still there you are, with those wonderfully arranged words, beautiful photographs, and a smile on your lovely face. In a crazy, hectic time, your blog gives Christmastime the meaning I feel it should have. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Surely this is the wrong way around (I wish I could be making you as happy as you make others!), but yours is the most givingest blog I've ever read.
P.S. Is that an egg carton in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

Jenny Scott

P.S.S. I'm so sorry you had further biopsies and are once again anxiously awaiting news. You are in my prayers, always, always.

Lisa D

Jenny - thanks for the "is that an egg carton in your pants?" comment! I can always use a 'big boy' laugh!

Still looking forward to reading a blog you may do!

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