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Jenny Scott

You look as beautiful as ever, Lisa! So glad to hear you and Marc had a such a great trip.

Kathy Tlougan

Dear Lisa,

We are definitely in the depths of winter here in MN. Its fun to see so many beautiful things in your blog along with all the great quotes.

Love you -- Kathy

David Yost

You look wonderful - we're thinking of you everyday
Dave & Cindy

Sandy Jelm

Hi Lisa,
Your gorgeous photo made my day!! These vibrant colors are so exhilarating and so complements your inner Queen! Thanks for sharing this.

Jan Hofmeister

You look beautiful and so much younger than the rest of us short-storiers!! (Sorry, Jenny, Sandy, Sue, Ann, Hollie) In fact you look more like Natalie's older sister than her mom! Must have been that "Cape-come-what-May" excursion with your man, Marc, that produced that glow. I am so happy to see this lovely photo of you, Lisa! Love, Jan

p.s. that title- "Cape-come-what-May" - is so


Hey Soul-Seestah, love the fabu-wrap, it's very 'Winter in Palm Beach.' It's amazing how much the swelling has gone down, your face is looking gorgeous again!

love, hugs,



You look FABULOUS!

Liz Hartnett

Hi Lisa,
Remember you gave me the Diva charm for my 50th birthday? The perfect gift, so capture your inner diva/queen and rise above! You are an inspiration to all who know you. You have touched my heart with your blog and I think of you daily.
Love to you and Marc,and Belated Happy Anniversary!

Liz Hartnett

dana darnell

I have been thinking about you alot lately, and decided to sit down after work today and read your entire blog, and look at your beautiful photographs. As an ex- oncology nurse, I understand what you have been going through, although no one can know what you have been feeling, or experiencing since the day of your diagnosis. Thank you for sharing some of your deepest thoughts, fears, humor, and how you have been encouraged.Thank you for keeping on, keeping on, traveling and visiting with your dearest friends and family. I admire your poise, beauty and graciousness in the face of adversity, and most of all, your positive spirit. You are an inspiration to me and I wanted to tell you . I will contine to pray for you and Marc, that God will give you strenth for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Dana

Elizabeth Wray

Gaaa.....you've always been sooooo photogenic...you look just great.....love the sparkle in you eyes. You look as though you know something the rest of us don't. Well you do....you know how much stength and grace we have within us.....thanks for showing us the way.
Love Ya'

Lisa D

Thanks so much, everyone, for your comments! I did feel so happy in the outfit! Can't wait to wear it more when it warms up around here a bit. Never knew before I would be able to 'work' a caftan! Or that I had an inner 'winter in palm beach Diva' side to my personality. Thanks again, Marvin and BJ.

Gail Milano

Wow, you can rock a caftan! You look beautiful and fierce! You continue to be an inspiration-making everyone around you smile. Thank you!
Keep on healing and getting stronger each day. I can't wait to read about your next adventure. I just added Cape May to my list with the Huz.

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